Refund status updates

The time it takes a bank to process a refund can vary and may not be instant. Because of this, Vyne provides updates when a refund status changes.

There are different methods to obtain the status of the refund.

EntityMethodDescriptionUse case
Using the refundWebhook notificationsWebhook notification of a status change on the refund.Be notified as soon as the refund status changes.
Using the refundGet refundsGet the status of the refund manually.If a manual update is required on demand, merchants can get the status of the refund at any time.

Using webhook notifications

When the status of a refund or payment is updated, Vyne will send a digitally signed POST request to the specified callback URL. Make sure you have set up a callback URL.

You will receive two webhook notifications:

  1. A notification of refund status change.
  2. A notification of payment status change (to REFUNDED or PART_REFUNDED).

Find out more about refund statuses here.


--header 'x-signature=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'
--header 'x-signature-keyId=718c7272-4e33-466b-8ad8-28fa2c95193f'
  "refundId": "1715e35b3894ba09",
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "paymentId": "f4fce78db4020045",
  "timestamp": 1632739322180,
  "amount": 5.00,
  "currency": "GBP",
  "merchantReference": "ABC",
  "customerReference": "123"
typeA constant type for the refund status notification.
refundId16 digit long, alphanumeric unique identifier.
statusThe new status of the refund. For all possible statuses see here.
paymentId16 digit long, alphanumeric unique identifier of the payment to which the refund belongs.
timestampExact date when the webhook notification was sent represented by a UNIX epoch time in milliseconds.
amountThe amount of the refund.
currencyThe three-character refund currency using ISO 4217.
merchantReference (if provided)The merchant reference of the related payment, optionally provided by merchant upon making PIR.
customerReference (if provided)The customer reference of the related payment, optionally provided by merchant upon making PIR.


Helpful to know

Although webhook notifications will always be sent when the status of a refund is updated, notifications are only sent for a payment when there is a status change:

  • If the payment already has a status of PART_REFUNDED, and the subsequent refund amount doesn't result in a full refund, a webhook notification will not be sent.
  • If the payment already has a status of PART_REFUNDED, and the subsequent refund amount does result in a full refund, a webhook notification will be sent as the status changes from PART_REFUNDED to REFUNDED.

Verifying integrity

Every webhook notification sent by Vyne is digitally signed using public key cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography, and will allow the merchant verify the origin and the integrity of the message. Learn how to verify the integrity of the webhook notification here.

Using refund status call


You can request the status of on any refund at any time by sending an HTTP GET request to the relevant base URL + /api/v1/refunds/ including the headers Authorization: Bearer <payment_token>. You can use the same payment token generated previously.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <payment_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
refundId16 digit alphanumeric unique refund identifier.


A successful request returns a 200 response code and an object with details of the refund.

If something unexpected happened during the request, the API returns an error response with the appropriate HTTP status code and a JSON response that contains detailed information about the problem.

  "refundId": "1715e35b3894ba09",
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "paymentId": "f4fce78db4020045",
  "amount": 5.00,
  "currency": "GBP",
  "merchantReference": "ABC",
  "customerReference": "123"
refundId16 digit alphanumeric unique refund identifier.
statusThe current status of the refund. For all possible statuses see here.
paymentId16 digit alphanumeric unique payment identifier (corresponding to the original payment).
amountThe amount to be refunded.
currencyThe three-character refund currency using ISO 4217.
merchantReference (if provided)Reference field for order ID - can be up to 256 characters and alphanumeric.
customerReference (if provided)Reference field for customer ID - can be up to 128 characters alphanumeric.