Query operators
The following operators are permitted when querying for sweeps in the Reconciliation API:
Operator name | Syntax | Example |
Equal | variable = value | settlementAccountIdentifier = 'GBP1' |
Not equal | variable <> value | settlementAccountIdentifier <> 'GBP1' |
Less than | variable < value | createdAt < '2023-01-01' |
Less or equal than | variable <= value | createdAt <= '2023-01-01' |
Greater than | variable > value | createdAt > '2023-01-01' |
Greater or equal than | variable >= value | createdAt >= '2023-01-01' |
IN operator | variable IN ('value1', 'value2') | settlementAccountIdentifier IN ('GBP1', 'GBP2') |
AND operator | variable1 = 'value1' AND variable2 = 'value2' | settlementAccountIdentifier = 'GBP1' AND createdAt >= '2023-01-01' |
OR operator | variable1 = 'value1' OR variable2 = 'value2' | settlementAccountIdentifier = 'GBP1' OR settlementAccountIdentifier = 'GBP2' |
Parenthesis operator | (variable1 = 'value1' AND variable2 = 'value2') AND variable3 = 'value3' | (createdAt >= '2023-01-01' AND createdAt <= '2023-02-01') AND settlementAccountIdentifier = 'GBP1' |
DateTime format
Use the DateTime format 2023-01-01T00:00:00 in your query operators. Date format is also supported (e.g. 2023-01-01).
Updated almost 2 years ago